About Me

Laferrere (La Matanza), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Hi To all!!! we are Manuel and Leonardo silva, we are Illustrators, Sculptors and Designers. We work in Sideshow Collectibles, Kotobukiya, Gentle Giant, Dark Horse Comics and many private comissions Please enjoy this blog!! Thanks

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2008

Samples pages for Marvel comics

Well, here is Three samples pages for Marvel comics.

Annihilation Assistance

Assistance inks for Ariel Olivetti

The Legend of Joe Moon

Hi To all!!! here is some Pages of the legend of Joe Moon, this is a personals works whit the writter
Gonzalo Ventura!!!

Superman Assistance

Here is some Pages of SUPERMAN PREQUEL, assistance inks for Ariel Olivetti

Darkness Assistance

Page for Jorge Lucas

Darkness Assistance

page for Jorge Lucas

Darkness Assistance

Page of darkness, assistance pencils for Jorge Lucas.

Venom Design

Hi to all, here is a desig of venom of Spiderman 3 for Sideshow Collectibles.